Charly Yan Miller

graphics programming framework in OpenGL and C#, used for a lockdown inspired vignette.
procedural leg animation via custom IK
a port of chess to the Discord client
A Discord-based text adventure adventure
a data-oriented, multi-threaded octree: in pursuit of a real-time clay simulation
vignettes from my summer back from residence
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a novel movement prototype
translate English into an alien language using your body.
control a self locomoting vacuum
short walking sim where movement reduces median vision, also there's poetry.
table-top game prototype with a novel movement and storage system, also proc-gen poetry!
a playful exploration of 3D graphics through the HTML canvas
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discover proc-generated vibrating shapes and noises (in likely single digit fps!)
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a networked chatroom where avatars are HTML text-inputs
tag webpages in a shared virtual space with this graffiti chrome extension
swipe Youtube videos left or right in a lil' from-scratch 2D physics sim.
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a short, educational, narrative, puzzle platformer
exploration in integrating 2D sprites in perspectived space
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representations of myself, by myself
envelop flagella sporting bacteria while avoiding poison
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terminal style homepage made to host projects for a class

code heavy

design oriented

