A downloadable game


A 100% procedural leg animation system. Within the animation system itself, all code was written from scratch by myself.

The system works on any incline. With any number, arrangement and types of legs.

The number, position and size of legs are manipulatable via the editor, as well as the amount of segments there are within each leg. Each leg's resting position and speed is designer controlled. Where certain legs are allowed to ground themselves (useful for peculiar creature designs) is also tweakable. 

the sausage

Wrote a custom IK system in Unity with foot placement logic. 


Originally created over the span of two weeks for a ~8 person game jam.

I thought it would be fun to learn more about IK, help improve my 3D math skills, and get some AI experience at the same time. I also just love the unpredictably (from the creator's POV) of completely procedural systems. 

some future improvements

There is room for drastic optimization. I would job-ify the code, thereby multi-threading it and make it more cache-friendly. The current systems are embarrassingly parallelizable.

There is a lot of room for improvement in the animation behavior itself. In need of most attention: currently the system only supports completely rigid, single jointed bodies, so super long bodied creatures become unstable and unrealistic especially on drastic inclines.

The editor UI could be a lot more user friendly, and the runtime debug UI could be a lot more illustrative.

Work has to be put in to get the systems to interact seamlessly with Unity's physics system. Right now it mostly avoids it.


(this is a single commit repo: the original repo is private and was part of a larger game jam)

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