A downloadable game


I explore the effect of the webcam, particularly its effect of inserting public space into our bedrooms and other domestic spaces.  I also experiment conveying the (student) vibe of quarantine using PS2-ish error horror game aesthetics. 

All art created by me, with the help from the internet with a few textures.


Real-time graphics programming exploration in OpenGL and C#. Written from scratch besides an .obj and image importing library, and a simplex noise library... and of course lots of help from the internet!

Involves a basic game-object system, a scriptable graphics pipeline, Phong lighting, normal mapping, shadow mapping, a ray casting system, a walking system, a couple novel shaders and post-processing effects.

As the technical focus of  the independent study was primarily graphical, notably missing from the framework are a GUI and assets/serialization system. This made placing objects in 3D space an absolute PAIN, and I am willing to vent if you are willing to listen.


  • You can read a long form post-mortem of the independent study here, which emphasizes the pedagogical value of the study and offers insights into many of the technical and artistic decisions which were made during the project.
  • You can read my thoughts going into the study, which focuses on some of my artistic influences.

Development log

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